Biological Causes of Drug Abuse?

Question by ?tshai?: biological causes of drug abuse?
what are biological causes of drug abuse ???

Best answer:

Answer by Beautrixrabbit
Drug abuse is an interaction between individual genes, neurochemical systems, psychological motivations and beliefs and environment. Biologically, any substance will impacs the neurochemical receptors of the brain. Illicit drugs for example interact with the dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways of the brain. These pathways are responsible for reward-pleasure seeking learning. Hence, repeated activation of these pathways may result in drug-seeking behaviour. But genes play a huge role as they mediate the receptivity of those pathways. Some people’s reward systems will be more sensitive to the effects of a drug and therefore they will learn and become conditioned to a drug more rapidly and hence become more dependant. But psychological factors also intervene as well.

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Commentary: Don't buy the new conventional wisdom about the war on drugs

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National Drug Facts Week is a weeklong health observance, organized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and for the past four years, our coalition has brought NDFW activities to Galveston County. kAmv2=G6DE@? r@F?EJ r@>>F?:EJ r@2=:E:@?
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