I Need to Find an Inpatient Drug Treatment Center in Either Palm Beach or Broward Florida That Is Charity.?

Question by yanksfan131: I need to find an inpatient drug treatment center in either Palm Beach or Broward Florida that is charity.?
I would like a facility that is between a 28-60 day stay, and will take patients who can’t afford to pay and have no insurance.

Best answer:

Answer by 2manydogs
Try the Human Services Division of Broward County:



You can also ask the Salvation Army.
Contact them and ask for substance abuse help.

In the meantime, go to a meeting of Narcotics Anonymous and ask the members for help:



You can do it with help. Good luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Florida Treatment Center – For more information about addiction http://FloridaAddictionNetwork.com 888-995-8473 When someone is battling with drug addiction, becoming clean can seem im…