The Mad Russian, Yefim Shubentsov – WLVI Boston News, Part 1 and Part 2


The Mad Russian, Yefim Shubentsov – WLVI Boston News, Part 1 and Part 2 – A segment about Yefim Shubentsov, “The Mad Russian,” on WLVI Boston News, February 5, 2002. They film him in a session with helping people quit smoking, drug…


Why Cities Work Even When Washington Doesn't

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

During the eras of Michael Bloomberg in New York, Thomas Menino in Boston, and Richard Daley and now Rahm Emanuel in Chicago, everyone has recognized the power of major-city mayors to announce big plans and to carry them out, for better or worse …
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MA Dem.: Consider decriminalizing drugs beyond pot

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

BOSTON (AP) — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Juliette Kayyem said Wednesday she would be open to decriminalizing drugs beyond marijuana to help those who use them get treatment instead of filling up prisons. “What you're seeing in other states is …
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Neoliberalism as Social Necrophilia: The Case of Greece

Filed under: drug addiction treatment for women boston

Love of death or the politics of social necrophilia can be illustrated in Greece in a) the rise of fascism and b) the shocking increase in illness, suicide, addiction and spread of infectious diseases since the beginning of the crisis. Fascism …. (14 …
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